Through work experience, Udacity nanodegrees, and other certifications, I can offer several skillsets related to programming, SQL databases, web development, and analyzing and visualizing data. Visit my Portfolio webpage to see how I have applied these skills in professional projects.
Whether I’m programming a macro in Excel or writing a script to read vast amounts of data, I take an active interest in doing what I can to reduce competitive tasks. I have found both Node.js (backend JavaScript) and the Python programming language to be excellent for reading and processing data in spreadsheets.
Data Analytics and Data Visualization
Scatter plots. Pie charts. Bar charts. Histograms. Dashboards. There are many ways to visualize data. The question arises: what is the best way? Many times, there is no one best way, but an experienced data analyst or data scientist has learned, over and over again, to sit with the data and to be comfortable with the notion that, while the eventually goal is to see the end two hundred miles away, when first processing data, they need to learn to be comfortable with gleaning minimal insights that will allow them to see two hundred feet ahead.
Therefore, developing a process to analyze data is important, and I have learned to use multiple constructs — not just one — in order to glean data insights. For instance, I might start with a histogram to show me if there are any statistical outliers that I need to be aware of. I might then decide to visualize my findings with a bar chart. Depending on how extreme the outliers, I may elect to remove them from the findings but speak to them as a footnote or to even visualize data two different ways to show how outliers can skew our perceptions.
While there are no easy answers, experience teaches us how to tolerate uncertainty in data and how to integrate it into our findings and presentations.
Documentation and Training
During my two-year tenure as the Webmaster (title soon to change to Website Administrator) at Milwaukee Public Schools, I have trained hundreds of web editors at the district Central Services building and schools. I have developed a process that seems to work very well.
First, I demonstrate how specific features that our web editors need to use work within the content management system. I also record that session and send it to the users so they can refer to it later. Second, I schedule a follow-up session so that the users can try to make some updates or use features while I am present. This way, I am there to troubleshoot and answer questions. Third, if web editors are asked by their supervisors to use non-standard features in the system, I develop documentation with step-by-step instructions and screenshots. I have developed many such sets of instructions for users, and they are available upon request.
Excel, Google Sheets, and CSV Spreadsheets
I am very much at home when working with spreadsheet applications, whether I am sorting, analyzing, visualizing data, or automating processes with macros or Visual Basic programming to increase productivity. This is also an area in which my knowledge continues to evolve as there are an endless number of ways that spreadsheets can help us analyze data and increase our productivity.
I have also learned the limitations of spreadsheets, for when datasets become increasingly large, relational (SQL) or non-relational (No SQL) databases are needed.
JavaScript Programming
I will always have an affinity for JavaScript, despite that it is often a hated programming language among software engineers who are used to working with Java and/or C#. What makes JavaScript different — it remains a prototypal language despite how we may attempt to disguise it through TypeScript or the uses of classes — is what makes it special. It makes use of APIs to allow for interactivity (DOM manipulation) on the front end and has been extended to a runtime environment on the backend (Node.js), allowing JavaScript programmers to build full-stack applications in one programming language.
Python Programming
Python is one of the most delightful programming languages I have had the pleasure to work with to date. When I get to spend a day working in Python, it is typically a good day!
Many of the programs that I have built in JavaScript on my Github profile could have easily been built in Python. Like JavaScript, Python is an excellent choice for working with files, APIs, validate input, reading and writing to files, sending automated emails, and serving as a backend for web applications.
SQL Databases
I have worked with databases in a few different capacities. As a backend web developer, I have created databases and hooked them up to web applications. I also learned how to write complex SQL queries that include subqueries and window functions. I am currently learning more about database performance, including how to fine-tune SQL queries for large data sets.
Technical Troubleshooting
In my role as webmaster for Milwaukee Public Schools, I serve as the in-house technical lead for any and all issues related to Titan and WordPress, the two content management systems for the district and school websites, respectively. This role requires working well under pressure, identifying and fixing front-end issues, and collaborating with other departments to resolve user and access issues to MPS systems. I also examine XML files to resolve discrepancies when data is not being pulled in correctly to the Schools and Jobs sections of the MPS district website.
Web Development and XML
I have extensive experience (7+ years) as a full-stack web developer and have developed applications and websites with PHP, Node.js, Python, and C#. One of my deep passions lies in developing accessible content for the visually and hearing impaired. In this way, the web can be a true equalizer, providing content for all.